167. How to Harness Innovation to Scale Meaningful Impact - Evan Feinberg
Meet Evan. This starry-eyed dreamer sought to change the world first through politics before pivoting into the nonprofit sector after finding his passion awakened in social service. In five years, his organization built one of the largest and most effective anti-poverty nonprofit communities in the country. Tune in and hear how the Stand Together Foundation viewed poverty as an innovation problem and began to look for solutions in new spaces to unleash human potential. It's a brilliant discussion into innovation, storytelling & they're even giving funding away to high-impact orgs who are breaking cycles and changing lives. You might be one of them!
166. How to Navigate Seasons of Change at your Organization - Aila Malik
Meet Aila. She loves molding strong leaders and getting organizations pointed toward success - which means she joins them in the trenches. She's come to know that if leaders enter from a place of humility and ready to learn from everything/everyone, then great partnerships are built from the ground level. We know many leaders are asking now, "How can I lead well during this crazy season of change?" Well, Aila's taking our hand and walking us through the steps to be an in-tune, inspiring leader. BONUS: she's providing tips for rolling out a new vision too.
165. How Movember Grew a Worldwide Digital Community (+5 Million Moustaches Too!) - Katelynn Whitaker
Meet Katelynn. When you've helped to build one of the most iconic, viral campaigns-turned-nonprofit like Movember, you know a thing or two about building digital community. We're talking mobilizing volunteers and crowdfunding campaigns as well as creating innovative marketing strategies to meet millennials / GenZers. Tune in to learn how to be an agent of remarkable experiences from the world's first digital-only nonprofit.
164. Be the PRO. Launch Party + What's In It For You! - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE
In this episode we're ready to show you a peek behind the biggest curtain our company is finally opening. We Are For Good PRO launches Wednesday, and we are so thrilled to share why this matters... specifically for you right here, right now. We built it for you in mind. So join us as we talk through bells & whistles, benefits, stories, people, and toolkits fueling this digital classroom. We'll be introducing you to your first two Good Guides, giving you a preview or two of live classes, revealing roadmaps, and even unveiling a way that everyone can be involved - despite financial challenges. We are ready for this product to be in the world. Let's do this, Do Gooders 🎉
163. How New Story Uses Innovation to End Global Homelessness - Sarah Lee
Meet Sarah. The best days are when we get to talk with some of our nonprofit hero organizations🤩🙌🏘 Sarah's the COO of New Story - one of the most progressive nonprofits tackling homelessness worldwide. Building differently is in their DNA. And you won't believe how they're doing it. Sarah lives at the intersection of fundraising and brand, so she works to push ideas, values, and engagement beyond the typical donor experience to impact more families in need. The story is fascinating. You know we're salivating about this one. Tune in to hear how little monster house slippers became the symbol of hope for children experiencing homelessness🤧
162. 10 Must Do’s Before Year-End - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE
We're coming up on the final quarter of 2021, so let's ensure your year-end finale has a dang plan that builds incredible community (as well as dollars!) around your mission. Jon and Becky are breaking it all down in this Friday's episode: 10 Must Do's Before Year-End. And when you consider nearly 1/3 of annual giving happens in December plus 12% of all annual giving occurs in the last three days of December, we just want to ensure you have all the right tools in the toolbox.
161. A Haitian Founder's Guide to Recruiting + Activating Volunteers - Jean Pierre-Louis
Meet Jean. Or JPL, as we now call him. This Haitian-born New Yorker has THE most inspiring story of taking his education back to Haiti in the form of a nonprofit healthcare and education organization benefiting his childhood community. He's also a savvy founder at capracare, and he breaks down how to recruit the right volunteers and board members to your organization. Get those tips, and find out how you can help JPL and our suffering Haitian friends with your support.
160. Disruption for Good + The Business of Changing the World - Raj Kumar
Meet Raj. He's not just the Founding President & Editor-in-Chief of Devex, he's noticed the little guy ever since he was a boy playing soccer in the streets of India. This former political strategist built Devex, a global news platform, in grad school alongside his friends to inform development professionals and aid workers all over the world. Today we launch Season 4 exploring the new era of global development and how to set zero goals for yourself (we had to have him define that too, but we were LOVING the answer). Tune in🎧
159. Do This! (Not That!) 6 Lessons Learned in Year One of the Podcast - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE, and Julie Confer
We're wrapping up Season with a wrap-up style convo that hits all the high notes. If you missed any of our best episodes - no worries. This Wednesday Jon, Becky and Julie are taking you behind the studio curtain. Learn our favorite episodes, biggest pinch-me moments, favorite freebies and the greatest takeaways offered these last four months. If you're a CliffsNotes-kind of learner, this is the quickest way to learn about the best-of-the-best of our convos since May.
Birthday Week Playlist Curated by Becky
In honor of birthday week our team each curated some of our favorite episodes - tune into Becky’s must-listen to episodes from the first year of We Are For Good.
Birthday Week Playlist Curated by Julie
Hey y’all! 👋 The last few years have been a bit of a whirlwind, and I’m sure other young professionals out there can relate! We are dealing with constant change, finding our place in the world, discovering our values and strengths (and weaknesses!), and probably working through some self-doubt and imposter syndrome.
Birthday Week Playlist Curated by Jon
In honor of birthday week our team each curated some of our favorite episodes - and so I hope you'll take a listen as I kick us off with my playlist.
158. Best of Season 3 - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE, and Julie Confer
We're wrapping up Season with a wrap-up style convo that hits all the high notes. If you missed any of our best episodes - no worries. This Wednesday Jon, Becky and Julie are taking you behind the studio curtain. Learn our favorite episodes, biggest pinch-me moments, favorite freebies and the greatest takeaways offered these last four months. If you're a CliffsNotes-kind of learner, this is the quickest way to learn about the best-of-the-best of our convos since May.
157. Back to Basics: Professional Development - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE
We're closing out our summer Friday Back-to-Basics series with one final conversation about the conversation that grounded every one of these past 11 conversations: professional development. It may not be popular, but we're going for it. And we're talking about why you need to be fighting for your own growth in our sector. Will be pointing you to teachers who can help (some are even free!) then we're going to be dropping the mic on what we've been working on for nearly a year to revolutionize the nonprofit professional development sector - for good.
156. Minisode: How Nonprofits Can Navigate the Fiscal Tightrope - Chyla Graham
Meet Chyla. She might be the only CPA you'll ever meet who swings on a trapeze in her spare time. Chyla is a nonprofit operations whisperer - breaking down even the most complex topics into easy relatable nuggets. In this quick minisode, we dive into how to build a strong financial infrastructure for your nonprofit: finding the key steps and jumping off points (just make sure there's a safety net just like any good trapeze artist knows!) and let's get going.
155. How to Activate Your Personal Network to Grow Your Mission - Prabhat Gautam
Meet Prabhat. He's one of L.A.'s leading voices in the worlds of entertainment and activism, but he's also pretty passionate about doing good too. Prabhat created Positive Television which has produced 800 charity events in L.A. in 21 years and connected him with plenty of movers and shakers in the philanthropic world. Today we're talking events - from taking it from the idea phase to launch phase with this event guru.
154. Podcast Replay: As Seen on School of Ethical Impact Podcast - Jenny Nuccio and Hayley Adamski
Meet Jenny & Hayley. They're the voices and brainpower behind the School of Ethical Impact, an institute + community equipping changemakers with the confidence to create real impact through business. Plus, their purpose-driven brand, Imani Collective, employs more than 80 Kenyan women and men to make ethically-sourced artisan products. The story of how our two companies met is one for the books. Tune in and hear about "The Little Banner That Could."
153. Back to Basics Social Media - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE
Having a social voice and online presence matter more today than ever before. And without a solid goal and plan in place, those looking to digitally plug in with their pet charities will see their loyal fans moving elsewhere in a noisy online space. Tune in Friday because we're breaking down why social strategy needs to be a key priority of this year's development plan. We're discussing its benefits, how to define goals/audiences/messages and more. Then we finish off with our best Pro Tips and simply where to start. And if that's not enough, we built a ton of resources into a toolkit to help you make that first leap. We got you, friends👊
152. How Nonprofits Should Step Into an Activist Role - Robert Egger
Meet Robert. This nonprofit leader, entrepreneur, author, speaker and activist is a passionate proponent of social good. In fact, he's the founder of D.C. Central Kitchen, the Campus Kitchen Project and the L.A. Kitchen, which have collectively produced over 40 million meals and helped over 2,000 individuals attain jobs. He's talking about the economics of nonprofit (Spoiler: we're REALLY good for business) and sharing why activism matters to the sector. Bottom line: you don’t have to choose between making good and making a living.
151. Meet Akashinga: The Women Saving Africa's Wildlife - Damien Mander
Meet Damien. He's an Australian special operations sniper who was traveling through Africa in 2009 and was inspired by the work of rangers and the plight of wildlife. Liquidating his life savings, the International Anti-Poaching Foundation was established to be the last line of defense for nature. Over the past decade the IAPF has scaled to train and support rangers which now help protect more than 1.1 million acres of habitats in Zimbabwe. And these rangers are ALL WOMEN. They're trained like special operations soldiers and are warriors protecting wildlife and wild spaces. Ya'll. This story😭🥰 Do yourself a favor, and don't miss it 🎧