341. Your Giving Tuesday Pep Talk + Playbook - Floyd Jones
This is part of our Giving Tuesday PREP Week special series presented by Givebutter.
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Meet Floyd. This brand-new New Yorker believes deeply in the power of community. His excitement for Giving Tuesday started with a campaign of childhood sports photos that spread across social media. He’s teaching how to coalesce your community, how to plan your campaign, and making it more than just a day. He's sharing his years of learning and adding in some awesome resources from our GiveButter friends. Tune in to get a blueprint for a campaign that inspires donations and creates rabid fans of your mission.
How to gather your community around a day of giving
The 4 S’s of Success for your Giving Tuesday campaign
The power of playing the long game when developing partnerships
Today’s Guest
Floyd Jones, Community and Partnerships Lead, Givebutter
“How do we bring people together for something bigger than ourselves?”
Episode Transcript
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Episode Highlights
Floyd’s story (4:00)
Setting the scene for what opportunity there is for nonprofits this year with Giving Tuesday (8:00)
Givebutter Gives Back (11:50)
Reimagining your Giving Tuesday Campaign (16:00)
The 4 S’s of Success:
Set your intention and your goal
Tell Your Story
Mobilize Your Supporters
Where to start (22:00)
Partnerships 2.0 (25:00)
Cutting through the clutter (29:00)
Articulate your vision clearly
Share your story
Be clear about how people can get involved
Floyd’s One Good Thing: Lead with Love (43:00)
Powerful quotes
“I feel like fundraising is sales with a soul.” -Floyd
“How do we bring people together for something bigger than ourselves?” -Floyd
“People are your partners, not your piggy banks.” -Floyd
“You have to acknowledge every single person and make sure that every person feels like they are a part of what you’re doing. Because in truth they are.” -Floyd
“Everything starts with intention.” -Floyd
“I focus on how many people are beside me.” -Floyd
“Be okay with playing the long game.” -Floyd
“If you’re thinking small, you’re going to receive small.” -Floyd
“If you’re thinking about your community, and you're thinking about who is actually going to take the time to sit down and read this email, do them a favor. Care about them enough to make sure your links work.” -Floyd
“The more friction you create for donors, the harder it will be for them to give you a dollar.” -Floyd