Innovation, Community, Leadership Andie Murphy Innovation, Community, Leadership Andie Murphy

593. Cultivating Empathy in a Divided World - Dr. Payal Beri, RK Empathy

Meet Payal. She’s an organizational psychologist, empathy advocate, and founder of RK Empathy. For nearly two decades, Dr. Beri has empowered leaders, communities, and individuals to connect on a deeper level, helping us see that we have more in common than we often realize. She’s on a mission to break down the divisions that separate us and build stronger, more connected communities💪 Tune in to hear how emotional intelligence and empathy can transform your leadership and your organization 🧠💙

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Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy

308. Enneagram for Nonprofits: Part 4. External Dynamics - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE and Kishshana Palmer, CFRE

It’s the final epsiode of our Enneagram Friday series, and we're betting you just might have been waiting for this one. Kishshana Palmer, CFRE is back to talk about how to utilize the Enneagram with your donors. She's bringing stories and examples, and they're ones we can relate to. Still haven’t taken the free test? No sweat - find it here and report back!

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Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy

305. Enneagram for Nonprofits: Pt 3. Internal Dynamics - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE and Kishshana Palmer, CFRE

It’s Enneagram Friday! Our Peacemaker and Helper hearts are geeked out around the enthusiasm and noise for our Friday Enneagram series. And now we’re moving from theory to application with the nonprofit leadership expert of our hearts: Kishshana Palmer, CFRE! Kish breaks down how to use the Enneagram internally with your fundraising shop: how it helps give grace to each other, how to flex it amidst team dynamics, and the good/bad/ugly she’s seen with different types over the years.

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Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy Values, Community, Mental Health, Self Care Andie Murphy

302. Enneagram for Nonprofits: Pt 2. How to Use It - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE and Ashley Engle

Our Enneagram for Nonprofits Friday series started off with a bang last week! Last week we broke down the types - now we're putting them into action. Today we're talking about the correlation between relationships and the Enneagram and how to activate it in our personal and professional lives. Ashley Engle is back to breathe more insight and love into this conversation as we talk about how to flex the Enneagram - for good!

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240. 5 Steps to Build and Apply Empathy at Work - Rob Volpe

Meet Rob. After watching industry experts ignore their intuition as their rational brand overtook gut instinct, this heart-wired CEO looked toward a possible solution: empathy. He pointed his attention and creative agency, Ignite 360, toward exploring how empathy helps industry giants and emerging brands innovate and grow. Only 1/4 of employees believe their employers possess enough empathy. We're talking about the basics, how to train your mind to respond with compassion, and why cognitive empathy may be the key to all our problems.

👆5️⃣ steps to build and apply empathy at work
👆Exploring his book: Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time
👆Emotional empathy vs. cognitive empathy
👆How to develop consumer-first strategies

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