555. How to Create a Modern Donor Journey - Dulari Gandhi, Tiffany Allen, and Brady Josephson

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Meet Dulari, Tiffany, and Brady. Are you looking for the playbook to fundraise more by creating journeys that guide donors from their first interaction to becoming lifelong advocates? The answer isn't a complicated one. It's threaded through an intentional donor journey. Tune into this episode as our experts walk us through how to create a modern donor journey within our organizations today. 

💡 Learn

  • How to create personalized, human connections with donors rather than overly complex automated segmentation and journeys.

  • How to leverage storytelling and diverse perspectives to engage donors and build a sense of community and belonging.

  • How to regularly review performance and plan for the future to continuously improve your donor engagement strategies.

Today’s Guests

  • Dulari Gandhi, Founder, D. Gandhi Communications

  • Tiffany Allen, CEO + Founder, Boss on a Budget

  • Brady Josephson, VP of Marketing & Growth, charity: water

Your supporters are way more alike than they are different.
— Brady Josephson, VP of Marketing & Growth, charity: water

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • How nonprofits can meet this moment (3:00)

  • Modern donor behaviors, trends, and engagement strategies for nonprofits (3:00)

  • Mapping out - from a first time gift to ultimately a legacy level donor journey + experience (6:00)

  • Storytelling + donor journeys (9:00)

  • Strategies for organizations just starting out or with a small budget (11:00)

  • How to establish goals around your campaigns + donor journeys (17:00)

  • charity: water case study (19:00)

  • Personalization + segmentation (23:00)

  • Examples of evolved donor journeys (32:00)

  • Brady’s One Good Thing: Reuse old stuff, your supporters are way more alike than they are different, and don’t overcomplicate it.

  • Tiffany’s One Good Thing: Think about how you can go deeper and develop true relationships with the people who have shown interest in your organization.

  • Dulari’s One Good Thing: Carve out some time, once a month, once a quarter, a couple of times a year, to plan for your future self and help your future self do this job better.

Impactful Quotes

“Reuse old stuff. I think when you're rebuilding journeys or creating there is so much good content you've done in the past that there's no reason why that shouldn't be built into a new journey. They haven't seen it, and even if they have, it's still good." - Brady

“Your supporters are way more alike than they are different, and so a lot of the nuances we make on segments are like pretty arbitrary, instead of really understanding what really unites these folks and hammer that home, as opposed to the things that they might be different." - Brady

"I think really being intentional about the type of story you want to tell, why you're telling it, and who you're telling it to but then also widening that lens, because the type of story you want to tell can be told by a number of different perspectives, and it gives you a different flavor of story each time." - Dulari

"What is the experience that you want your donors to have? How do you want them to feel when they engage with your organization and design your processes around that the end goal is not the gift, the end goal is the relationship, because that relationship will take you way farther than the gift that you're seeking in the moment." - Tiffany

“One of the biggest challenges in donor segmentation is figuring out how your organization works for others.” -Dulari

"Don't overthink it, Don't over complicate it. Get something good. Make it better." - Brady

“Focus on how you want people to feel. The end goal is not the gift, the end goal is the relationship, because that relationship will take you way farther than the gift that you're seeking in the moment." - Tiffany

“Carve out some time, once a month, once a quarter, a couple of times a year, to plan for your future self and help your future self do this job better." - Dulari


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