554. How It's Built: The 4 Core Pillars of a Movement that Sustains Itself - Bryan Funk

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Meet Bryan. He’s a community builder, marketer and movement builder🛠️ He’s sharing his experiences from Invisible Children, the team behind KONY 2012, the fastest-growing viral social justice and online fundraising campaign in the history of the internet (at the time). This digital campaign gained 100 million views in 5 days 🤯 and raised millions of dollars to support the efforts to bring warlord Joseph Kony to justice. Tune in for this How It’s Built episode that gives you the playbook for creating a powerful movement that sustains itself.

💡 Learn

  • The Impact of the Kony 2012 Campaign + the Movement Surrounding It

  • How It’s Built: 4 Core Pillars of a Movement that Sustains Itself

  • Pro Tips + Lessons Learned

Today’s Guest

Bryan Funk, Managing Director, Modern Profit

A movement allows people to show up in the way that is truest to themselves.
— Bryan Funk, Managing Director, Modern Profit

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Bryan’s journey to where he is today (3:20)

  • Bryan’s experience with Invisible Children (9:45)

  • How It’s Built: 4 core pillars of a movement that sustains itself


  • Challenges nonprofits face when implementing grassroots strategies (23:05)

  • How can we leverage this moment for our movements right now (30:00)

  • Bryan’s One Good Thing: Come for the mission, but stay for the donor. (40:25)

  • How to connect with Bryan (42:30)

Impactful Quotes

“Building a movement has little to do with your cause. It has everything to do with empowering and enabling a group of individuals to spark their own passion and identity within their cause.” -Bryan

“A movement allows people to show up in the way that is truest to themselves.” -Bryan

“You need the buy-in and support from your board and your executive leadership team to navigate the level of patience and resilience that's required to build a movement.” -Bryan

“I realized that I came for the mission, but I stayed for the donor. I realized that as a fundraiser, I actually had an honor, a duty, a responsibility, and a privilege to help steward not just actualization for our mission, but I was able to help steward actualization for what people wanted to see for themselves in their own lives.” -Bryan

“The environment is louder than when we did this many years ago. Luckily, there are tools and technologies that can help us publish and automate at scale.” -Bryan

“I see a lot of organizations that are stuck in the financial and economic pressure and need to hit a fundraising number.” -Bryan

“Having crystal clear clarity on what is your ideal state that you want to see in the world, and actually distilling that down into the economic engine of your nonprofit is critical.” -Bryan

“We know what we need to do to maintain and stabilize our programs, we have financial goals there. But we also need to have awareness goals.” -Bryan

4 Core Pillars of a Movement that Sustains Itself ⬇️

  1. Awareness - Being relentless and simple in messaging, showcasing solutions, and educating about the problem. This involves one-on-one relationship building and trust.

  2. Autonomy - Empowering staff, supporters, and beneficiaries to become experts and advocates. This allows people to see themselves as part of the cause and take ownership.

  3. Activation - Engaging supporters by emphasizing that their time, talent, community, and network are more important than money. This accelerates giving capacity.

  4. Actualization - Helping supporters realize their potential within the mission. This involves translating dollars to impact and defining a common denominator for all supporters.

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