473. Journey to Self-Care: Embracing Ease and Abundance - Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck
This episode is part of our Mental Health Week series. Explore all the episodes, find resources + more at weareforgood.com/mentalhealth.
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Meet Jennifer and Jeff. They’re the co-leaders of Plenty, where they help leaders leave behind the mindset of scarcity and develop a mindset of abundance to create fulfillment, impact and profit. This conversation is a challenge for all of us to embrace abundance. Jennifer and Jeff invite us to recognize that we are enough right now, with enough to go around. Plus, they’re sharing their insights on leadership exploring the importance of self-awareness, alignment and intentionality. If you feel stuck in a mindset of scarcity, this episode is for you💙
An overview of Plenty + conscious leadership
The importance of embracing abundance
How self-care isn’t a shortcut
Today’s Guest
Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, Co-Founders, Plenty
“When we feel alive and connected, all of those emotions in between, we can start to see when we are in alignment and out of alignment.”
Episode Transcript
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Episode Highlights
Jennifer’s story and journey to where she is today (2:40)
Jeff’s story and journey to where he is today (5:55)
Overview of Plenty (10:50)
Conscious leadership (23:05)
Self-Care Isn’t a Shortcut (33:35)
Jeff’s One Good Thing: You know what you need. Listen to yourself and hear it. (46:45)
Jennifer’s One Good Thing: Look for the good in yourself. Practice seeing your light. Choose to hear that voice. (47:00)
How to connect with Plenty (49:35)
“When we bring gratitude to what we have right now. We actually turn on a switch and usher in more things to be grateful for.” -Jennifer
“What I need starts with myself.” -Jeff
“When we feel alive and connected, all of those emotions in between, we can start to see when we are in alignment and out of alignment.” -Jennifer
“How do we know when we aren’t aligned?” -Jennifer
“Awareness births alignment.” -Jennifer
“Oftentimes you are not in control of the goal.” - Jennifer
“Intention you are 100% in control of. You can choose how you show up.” -Jennifer
“These tools are available to all of us.” -Jon
“There is no problem with self-care. Where people get stuck is they go right to care, and they jump over self.” -Jeff
“You can paddle against the current if you want, but you’re not going to out-muscle the river. It’s easier to paddle where the current is taking you.” -Jeff
“Self-care starts with self. The grand invitation, and the invitation that requires vulnerability is to see that we have what we want. What we desire on the outside starts with ourselves. Our emotions aren’t obstacles to that.” -Jeff
“If you want to really explore self-care, it starts with exploration of self first, and that leads us into what care we need.” -Jeff
“It’s personal. All of our work and even the theme of self-care and conscious leadership is all individual and personalized.” -Jennifer
“Self-care is not selfish. The way to heal ourselves, to heal others, to thrive in an organization, to help our teams and companies be the best they can be is to take care of ourselves first. We cannot give what we don’t have.” -Jennifer
“We don’t bring our full attention to anything. We skim the surface, and over time that increases our cortisol levels. Our adrenals are in a fight-or-flight response. It doesn’t matter if we add self-care to that state, it’s like a bandaid in water. It doesn’t stick.” -Jennifer
“How do we create space for ourselves?” -Jennifer
“The more we can create space, the more we notice why the current is.” -Jennifer
“It is an absolute choice of whether we are feeding ease or feeding hard. The more we bring our attention to either one, we feed. Whatever we feed we form.” -Jennifer
“The more resistance we put out, the more frustration we’re putting out, the harder we are paddling.” -Jennifer
“Make a tiny tweak. Choose easy today.” -Jennifer
“When you practice that, make a choice to do the same for others. Look for the good on your team.” -Jennifer
“Look for the light in whoever you cross paths with today. Instead of all the reasons to judge, make one choice to orient our focus. What we focus on we feed.” -Jennifer
Website / Plenty for Everyone Podcast / Resources / Save the date! for “Leading with Light” book coming January 2024
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