45. How to Reboot Annual Giving + Launch New Programs - Shawn Wills, CFRE
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Meet Shawn. She's got an interesting case study about the hard pivot her organization took away from an events-based fundraising shop to developing an integrated annual giving program. She walks us through the steps needed to restructure a program, maximize board involvement and the opportunities that exist in giving societies. Cherry on top? We also chatted about women's giving and diversity too!
Today’s Guest
Shawn Wills, CFRE, VP of Operations and Strategy, Women's Business Council Southwest
“You can’t do it alone. The people that you invite to the table will help you carry your mission further.”
How to not rely on events-based fundraising
Encourage your donors to back initiatives, not events
Societies, giving circles, and the importance of building community
Create touch points to engage event donors to engage them throughout the year
It is part friendraising, part fundraising
Shawn tips to begin building a new program, giving society, or giving circle
Shawn’s One Good Thing: there is enough room for all of us. Find the bright spot of situations, and be intentional with your engagement.
The people that you invite to the table will help you carry your mission further
Powerful Quotes:
“Jon and I walked into an organization that was a true events-based fundraising shop. If you are an organization right now who have all of your eggs in an events basket, this is going to be a hard year for you.” -Becky
“Events have a purpose, but they aren’t the only tool in our toolbox.” -Becky
“I have been able to develop pillars and platforms, so that our support isn’t just for events, they’re for initiatives.” -Shawn
“We’ve tried to take away the one-time giving focus.”- Shawn
“We need to have robust strategies to engage with people who have engaged with our mission through events. How do we give them opportunities to get involved?” -Becky
“It is part friendraising, part fundraising.” -Shawn
“We can’t just create programs to create programs. There has to be intentionality behind our programs.”- Becky
“You can’t do it alone. The people that you invite to the table will help you carry your mission further.” -Shawn
So you want to start a new program? Shawn’s tips for where to start
Learn the revenue structure of the organization. Where are your blind spots?
Nonprofit pie chart - individuals, annual gifts, majors gifts, grant funding, maybe government funding. If we aren’t tapping into one area, why?
Start building community
Look at your board. Who is not engaged? They’re waiting for someone to ask them to do something. Tap them to help you start a giving society or giving circle.
Present your vision, and invite people to join you.
These programs take time to build. It will not happen overnight.
Ask yourself, is this program needed? Is it a duplication of something already being done in the community?
What is the long term benefit of the organization? What is the goal of this new program, society giving circle, etc.?
End goal: long term relationships with donors