27. A Good Philanthropist Fireside Chat with Ross McKnight
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Meet Ross. His thick Texas drawl and easy kindness will immediately put you at ease as we chat with this generous philanthropist. The self-professed big dreamer has a pure heart for giving, and is using his savvy know-how to inspire extraordinary generosity in others. He'll share how a $25M gift he and wife Billie made to their alma mater infused an arts Mecca in the middle of the Heartland (& flying the entire NY Philharmonic to Oklahoma!) and how the kindness of one frontline staff member inspired a $10M gift to name a cancer center in her honor at Baylor Scott & White Health. We're getting cozy during this Fireside Chat with a philanthropic legend. It's an inspiring story of how seeds of gratitude can grow early and how storytelling can pull it all together.
“Success is not important. Success is defined by what you do for yourself. Significance is what you do for others, and we can all be significant.”
Ross’s story and his passion for leading a life of significance
Ross’s Baylor, Scott and White story
The story behind the McKnight Performing Arts Center at Oklahoma State University
The intentionality of treating your philanthropy as investments
Ross’s advice for development professionals: what to do and what not to do
Two philanthropists that have inspired Ross: one because of their humility, and one because of their leadership
Ross’s advice about chairing campaigns and serving on boards: To say yes and do a good job, you have to be willing to say no.
The two most meaningful ways Ross has been thanked
Ross’s advice for the next generation of fundraisers and philanthropists
Success is not important. Success is defined by what you do for yourself. Significance is what you do for others. We can all be significant.
Ross’s One Good Thing: Do the best you can do for those around you. Make life better for them.
Powerful Quotes
“OSU felt like home to me, and I was looking for a home.” -Ross
"I’m just a rancher and farmer from West Texas. You owe back to your institutions that have allowed you to reach success. For me, this was Throckmorton, Oklahoma State University, and Baylor, Scott and White Health.” -Ross
“You learn that philanthropy is an investment in people. You should try to make other people’s lives better because of that investment.” -Ross
“One of the things that is the most appealing to me with philanthropy, is to match the passion of the donor with the need of the institution.” -Ross
“Success is not what you do for yourself, significance is what is important and that is what you do for others.” -Ross
“Through philanthropy you can give people dignity back, proper treatment, and hope for tomorrow. -Ross
“The building itself isn’t what changes lives. What goes on inside the building changes lives.” -Ross
“We as philanthropists should have an idea of the end result we want out of our donation.” -Ross
“Some of my gifts contributed to campaigns, but the campaign didn’t make a difference. I want my gifts to be transformational to something that we want to transform.” -Ross
“You want to build something that will make someone better. You can build your philanthropy in that particular way.” -Ross
“Any business decision takes accountability.” -Ross
“To say yes and do a good job, you have to be willing to say no.” -Ross
“The way we can make the world better is through two things: education and healthcare.” -Ross
“As you get older you realize how important these opportunities are. Where would I have been if I hadn’t been able to go to Oklahoma State?” -Ross
“You don’t have to be someone of extraordinary means to be able to lift somebody up and look for someone who is vulnerable in your place in the world.” -Becky
“It takes one person’s kindness, compassion and humanity.” -Becky
“The more good you can do for the most people, the more significant you can be.” -Ross
Ross’s Advice to Development Officers
Development officers talk too much and listen too little. Their job is to match the passion of a donor with a meaningful project. If they don’t know the donor they can’t do that.
Don’t be overbearing, but proper recognition and stewardship is important
Philanthropists need to incentivize the behavior of development officers. Donors need to demand good stewardship and keep development officers accountable.