245. Podcasting for Good: How to Build a Podcast - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE, and Julie Confer
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Hope you're taking notes on this new Friday series Podcasting for Good. We've broken down why we think you should take the plunge, and this week we're diving into How To Build a Podcast. We’re sharing our entire playbook, frameworks, marketing plans and tools too. Join us!
🎧 What we'll cover:
1️⃣ Setting podcasting goals
2️⃣ Budget + our purchase recommendations🎙
3️⃣ Defining your show type
4️⃣ Hacks to make it easy
5️⃣ Lots of PRO Tips (from Julie!🦄)
“Be human. The whole point of podcasting is to be human and have really organic conversations. Be as comfortable, prepared, and respectful as you can be. Just take that fear away from anyone who’s involved with your podcast.”
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Episode Overview
Have a question? Leave us a voicemail!
What is the goal of your podcast? (2:45)
Setting a budget: find what works for you (5:00)
Our equipment recommendations! (5:00)
What type of show do you want to have? (8:00)
The power in an interview style show (11:00)
Our hacks and pro tips to make podcasting easy (12:00)
Take our FREE Syndication Workshop to learn how to better leverage and market your content (23:00)
Questions from the We Are For Good Community about podcasting (24:00)
One Good Thing: Remember how intimidating and vulnerable interviews can be. Take that fear away from anyone who's involved with your podcast. (29:00)
Powerful quotes
“A podcast is not just a podcast. We don't want this to be the best kept secret anymore. Podcasts are an engagement tool. It's a way to build global community. It's a way to impart thought leadership, to build rabid fans and to storytell. There is so much you can do with the content curated here.” -Becky
“You are going to get what you pay for. anything that we've paid a little bit extra on, we have not regretted.” -Julie
“This doesn't have to be an outsourced paid producer, I think the thing that works well with our team is that each of us are leaning into what we're really good at.” -Julie
“There is so many different skill sets that you're going to have on your team that this could be a huge area of growth that introduces a new passion area for somebody.” -Jon
“Try to create the highest quality possible show for all platforms, reach for it, create a turnkey setup, something that would minimize all of your post production work.” -Becky
“Be really realistic. We were sent a post on LinkedIn recently that shared that 90% of podcasts don't get past episode three. So if you're going to invest this money, if you're going to invest this time to plan for this show, make sure you're setting it up in a way that it's something that you and your team can upkeep or if it's just a limited series, it's a project that actually can be completed.” -Julie
“Think about every single interview as a way to expand your network for free.” -Becky
“Consistency is a superpower and it's something that really has paid off for our team with podcasting but I think whatever you do, however you show up as you figure out the cadence that works for your team.” -Jon
“If you go so fast, you don't even have the opportunity to show all the great things that are happening, that so we're trying to challenge you, as you kind of lean into this, think of just how rich of media you're creating.” -Jon
“I love adding music to our ads and intros, I just think it takes your production value up a whole level.” -Julie
“You're creating an experience.” -Becky
“As much information as you can provide your guests that are joining you, and the more comfortable that you make them feel, the better end product you're going to have.” -Julie
“So just be human. The whole point of podcasting is to be human to have really organic conversations. Be as comfortable, prepared and respectful as you can be. And a lot of that comes with this prep work that we're talking about. So that's my pro tip. Just remember how intimidating and vulnerable interviews can be. And just take that fear away from anyone who's involved with your podcast.” -Julie
What is your goal for podcasting?
Grow your reach - design it so it’s easy to consume, connects the dots and makes it easier for someone to engage with your mission (Perfect for an interview style show)
Build an exclusive benefit - speak directly to your supporters and speak candidly about what’s working, the opportunities, etc. (Perfect for private podcasts or exclusive content / conversations)
Start a MOVEMENT - (go back an listen to Eric Ressler episode - dreaming of a mission/movement that spans outside your walls… how can you start a revolution) commit to a cadence, talk values, give calls to action
What type of show do you want to have?
We really tried to think as long term as possible so as to buy the equipment and create the type of setup that will scale with us. For us, here’s what we wanted our podcasting setup to entail and a couple of our goals for the show:
Have a show with 2 co-hosts both live in-person together (and the ability to do so remotely if needed)
Have a producer live on-site who has the ability to join the conversation on microphone
Have a predominantly interview-style show format by welcoming remote guests from around the globe.
Create the highest quality possible show for all platforms
Create a turnkey setup and something that would minimize the post-production work
Our Hacks to Make Podcasting Easy!
Research your guests
Record video at the same time
Get a picture with your guest!
Utilize Google Forms + Calendly
Each interview grows your network (for free!!)
Batch record so you can get ahead
Syndicate your content!
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