
 Summer of Evolution is here!

Things are shifting and changing over here at We Are For Good. This summer, we’re shifting to a 2x per week drop schedule on the pod. We’ll take this opportunity to replay some of the best convos from our first 7 seasons and drop playlists that will point you to soundtracks for evolved leadership, nonprofit innovation, mental health + more.

Cheers to a summer of growth🍹
We Are for Good Team  

Week 8: Be a Change Agent

How to Be a Change Agent (Listen now!)

How Nonprofits Should Step Into an Activist Role (Listen now!)

Be A Change Agent Playlist

Week 7: Evolved Diversity, Equity + Inclusion

A Conversation about Going Further with Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Efforts (Listen now!)

Real Talk: How to Recruit + Empower a Diverse Team (Listen now!)

Evolved Diversity, Equity + Inclusion Playlist (Listen now!)

Week 6: Mental Health

A Conversation About Mental Health
Listen now!)

Combatting Burnout and Compassion Fatigue (Listen now!)

Mental Health Playlist (Listen now!)

Week 5: Sustainability + Scaling

Sustaining + Scaling Your Mission (Listen now!)

How to Harness Innovation to Scale Meaningful Impact (Listen now!)

Sustainability + Scaling Playlist
(Listen now!)

Week 4: Evolved Innovation

How to Harness Innovation and Embrace Risk (Listen now!)

Real Talk: Why Nonprofits Must Dream Bigger - Dan Pallotta
Listen now!)

Evolved Innovation Playlist (Listen now!)

Week 3: Evolved Nonprofit Sector

Enhancing Impact, Rethinking Revenue, + Fostering Personal Development (Listen now!)

Disruption for Good + The Business of Changing the World (Listen now!)

Evolved Nonprofit Sector Playlist (Listen now!)

Week 2: Evolved Digital Strategy

How to Foster Connections and Drive Impact Using Digital Strategies (Listen now!)

How to Create a Compelling Donor Journey to Grow Engagement (Listen now!)

Evolved Digital Marketing Playlist (Listen now!)

Week 1: Evolved Leadership

How Leaders Can Center Authenticity, Collaboration + Community (Listen now!)

How to Navigate Seasons of Change at Your Organization (Listen now!)

Evolved Leadership Playlist (Listen now!)

How to Listen?

Subscribe to the We Are For Good Podcast on your favorite podcast player!