80. An Impact Uprising: Expand Your Vision of What's Possible - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE

Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE / We Are For Good Podcast / Impact Uprising

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Getting clear-eyed and full-hearted toward a mission and vision holds the power to fuel your work, gives clarity of when to say "heck yes" and provides an out when you need to give something a hard pass too.

You've likely heard in our podcast intro that our vision is "to create an impact uprising"... but what the heck does that mean anyway? The answer just might surprise you - even if you are a ridiculous idealist, like us.

In this Friday Convo, Jon and Becky give a peek behind the curtain of what's motivating us to show up and cultivate community here, and what's to come on the horizon. You better believe we have a seat ready for you at this table. Won't you join us?

Even though it seems so huge to impact a generation, it doesn’t seem that crazy because it is doable. It is getting people to realize the power of philanthropy. We all have the power of connecting people with stories of philanthropy.
— Jonathan McCoy CFRE, Founder and CEO, We are for Good

Episode Overview

  • The story behind the creation of our “impact uprising” story (2:00)

  • How our dreams have shifted and grown since talking with so many world changers on the podcast so far (6:00)

  • How we want to plug into the current Generosity Crisis (7:00)

  • The act of giving leads to greater happiness, more empathy, and connects you with community (8:20)

  • By activating this sector, there is going to be so much more of a ripple happening (8:00)

  • An example of the power of being connected to causes and the meaning and purpose it gives to our lives (10:30)

  • What is your burden? What are you accountable to? That’s the cause you’re called to serve. - Sara Cunningham, Episode 8 (13:30)

  • If your life is not set up right now to include part of that mission, that can be a change you can make today. Whatever that may look like for you: volunteering, donations, or even just sharing why you love a mission on your social media. (15:00)

  • An insider look at things we are launching soon! (17:00)

Powerful quotes

“We kept talking about how cool it was to be a part of hundreds and thousands of peoples stories. I said what would happen if we could really share some of the things we are learning and take it to millions of people?” -Jon

“We knew that we wanted to create a place that would serve, show up, and provide inspiration and accessibility for nonprofits.” -Jon

“What a gift it is to have a friend and colleague like Jon who would plant these seeds with me and encourage me to be such a risk taker. I think I’m fearless, but I don’t think I’m risky.” -Becky

“What I began to see over time was that all of these conversations we were having about how we could improve our little corner of the world was really about bringing big ideas to a little pond. I remember the day we said, “what if we make the pond bigger?” -Becky

“For people who believe in philanthropy and that this is the space where all the goodness can come together, we just felt called to do that.” -Becky

“We created this space for fundraisers or people in a nonprofit. Since launching, and the gift of this podcast and the conversations we have with such big thinkers, we now know we want to make a dent in the gap of the current generosity crisis.” -Jon

“This is a place that we want to see meaningful change. That to us is what an impact uprising is all about.” -Jon

“Even though it seems so huge to impact a generation, it doesn’t seem that crazy because it is doable. It is getting people to realize the power of philanthropy. We all have the power of connecting people with stories of philanthropy.” -Jon

“We just feel like now is the time for nonprofits. We make up 10% of the workforce in the United States alone. We don’t want to play it safe anymore. It is time for us to break out, be paid equitably, join the ranks of incredibly progressive entrepreneurs who are dreaming and scaling to solve our world’s toughest problems, and need to be players in that.” -Becky

“If you think about what giving, philanthropy, serving, and helping someone can do to expand your worldview and selfishly what it does for your personally, that is something we all want to pour into.” -Becky

“No matter what seat in the house you’re sitting in, everybody needs to listen to those callings that are put on their heart. The world needs it.” -Jon

“We believe there is enough. When people dig in and activate on the pieces of their heart that they feel called and passionate about, there is enough to solve those missions and causes that are so desperate across our world.” -Jon

“I hope you feel like you can take action and get plugged in.” -Jon

“If your life is not set up right now to include part of that mission, that can be a change you can make today. Maybe it is an hour of service, or even just sharing why you love a nonprofit on your social media.” -Becky

“How can we create moments, stories, programs, and interactions that lead people to think, “I don’t want this mission to ever stop.”” -Becky

“We want to be a listening company. We don’t want these to be our dreams. We want to listen to the community and hear from you so we know what you need. Our job is to curate that.” -Becky

Coming Soon at We Are For Good!

The We are for good community

This is a safe place for deeper conversations. While we love this podcast, it is a very one-sided dialogue. It is great for starting conversations, but not continuing them. You can find friends, colleagues, and others to champion alongside. We believe community is everything and we wanted to create a place where people could learn and thrive and grow together (and also have a whole lot of fun).


It is best to learn in a group and be surrounded by like minded people. We’re here to bring you the best practices and innovations happening to help you do more and raise more for your mission. If you are ready for professional development to be disrupted on every single level, stay tuned. We want it to be accessible for everyone with tons of resources included. We don’t view ourselves as the only experts in the space. In fact, if this podcast has taught us anything it is that we know so little. This next step is about locking arms with so many other incredible people who are good humans and know how to help you take your missions to the next level.

Stay tuned friends, it is going to be next level.

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Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE / We Are For Good Podcast / Impact Uprising
Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE / We Are For Good Podcast / Impact Uprising
Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE / We Are For Good Podcast / Impact Uprising
Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE / We Are For Good Podcast / Impact Uprising
Becky Endicott, CFRE