565. 5 Takeaways + The Best of Season 9 - Jon McCoy, Becky Endicott and Julie Confer

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Grab your headphones - it's time for a season wrap-up episode! 🎉 Jon, Becky, and Julie are breaking down the biggest takeaways, game-changing insights, and unforgettable stories that made season 9 one for the books. We’re talking favorite quotes, pinch-me moments, and all the feels as we wrap up this chapter and gear up for what’s next. Tune in and take notes✍️

“Taking space will help you find space.”
— Jeff Shuck, Principal, Plenty

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • A look back at Season 8 (0:35)

  • Through lines from Season 8

    • The power is in the collective (5:30) 

    • Embrace tension (11:45) 

    • We need your missions' stories (16:00)

    • What is your culture strategy? (22:30)

    • Taking care of ourselves starts internally (27:00)

  • One Good Thing (40:15)

    • Jon: Build scaffolding around your growth mindset.

    • Becky: "Taking space will help you find space.” -Jeff Shuck

    • Julie: "Caring doesn't mean you have to carry it all." + “You have your own back."

Powerful Quotes

“Without grassroots support, there would be no St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.” -Rick Shadyac

“Humanity is good. What troubles me is all the focus we place on the negative things going on in the world. There are so many people that come together to do good, but they’re doing it quietly.” -Rick Shadyac

“The power is in the collective.” -Becky

"The story we tell ourselves will either affirm or strip away our power." -Dr. Bertrhude Albert

“Social good deserves to be entwined in the fabric of our every day.” -Eva Bloomfield

"I think that nonprofits have such an important message to share. We should be the innovators in how content is created. We have the best stories of any business to share. We should be the best content creators." -Kyle Roosen

“Before you jump ship, look and see if we can tend the soil together.” -Lindsey Fuller

“Our values are not the why, they are the how.” -Dorothy Chang

“The quality of the question gets you the right solution.” -Dorri McWhorter

“Taking space will help you find space.” -Jeff Shuck

“It's not just about having a growth mindset, because that's great, but it's about really building the scaffolding around your growth mindset.” -Jon

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