549. Tapping into Top Talent: How Fractional Executives Can Help Nonprofits Thrive - Sahar Vermezyarito and Cindy Wagman

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Meet Cindy and Sahar. Cindy, Founder of the Fractional Fundraising Movement, and Sahar, Director of the East Scarborough Storefront, are here to share the game-changing benefits of hiring fractional executives. They’ll show how these professionals can act as mission-aligned extensions of your team. Sahar’s experience with a fractional fundraiser has taken their organization to new heights 🚀 Tune in to hear how fractional fundraisers not only raise money but can also help shift mindsets and team cultures 🙌

💡 Learn

  • The case for fractional executives (even with a small budget!)

  • The playbook for working with fractional fundraisers

  • Pro tips and insights

Today’s Guests

Cindy Wagman, Founder, Fractional Fundraising Movement and Sahar Vermezyarito, Director, East Scarborough Storefront

If you can find it within yourself, take that deep breath and say the vulnerable thing.
— Sahar Vermezyarito, Director, East Scarborough Storefront

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Sahar’s story and journey to where she is today (4:30)

  • Cindy’s story and journey to where she is today (7:10)

  • The Fractional Fundraising Movement (11:40)

  • Sahar’s experience with bringing in a fractional fundraiser + what was unlocked (17:25)

  • How changing views on human capital can boost innovation (24:25)

  • The playbook for finding + onboarding a fractional fundraiser (31:15)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Cindy’s life (37:20)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Sahar’s life (39:00)

  • Cindy’s One Good Thing: For women experiencing perimenopause, “It's not you, and there's things you can do to refine yourself and your energy and your passion.” (41:25)

  • Sahar’s One Good Thing: If you can find it within yourself, take that deep breath and say the vulnerable thing. (43:10)

  • How to connect with the Fractional Fundraiser Movement (45:20)

Impactful Quotes

“With an abundance mindset, the more I get, the more I can give." -Cindy

“If you can find it within yourself, take that deep breath and say the vulnerable thing.” -Sahar

“As a whole, our sector really needs to start thinking about, how do we look at solving the real problems. So often we solve the problems that we have always thought were the problems.” -Cindy

“We actually have this extra capacity, and so that part of my brain that would worry and feel guilty is now opened up to do strategy work and support my staff." -Sahar

"We have a practice that we do at storefront, which is we start With every single meeting with a check in question. And it could be as light as what's your favorite ice cream flavor, but I never go light, because that's not who I am." - Sahar

"We have a practice that we do at Storefront, which is we start with every single meeting with a check in question. And, it could be as light as what's your favorite ice cream flavor, but I never go light, because that's not who I am." -Sahar

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