101. Donor Relations and Fundraising Collide... For Good - Mark Lanum
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Meet Mark. This senior director of donor relations at Brown University believes the road to the next gift goes through stewardship. And the best way to accelerate that process is to strengthen the relationship between donor relations and frontline fundraisers. Join us as we talk about breaking down the silos in our fundraising shops and leaning into the future of donor relations. Mark is hysterical and made this conversation a complete joy. Come learn and laugh with us.
Today’s Guest
Mark Lanum, Senior Director of Donor Relations, Brown University
“If you’ve got people around you or on your team, let them know that you care about them, and you have interest in them.”
Episode Transcript
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Episode Highlights
Mark’s story and journey to where he is today (2:50)
The new normal for donor relations (6:13)
Current trends in donor relations (11:30)
Fostering partnerships between donor relations and fundraising teams (16:33)
Donor relations advisory groups (19:40)
“Best practice” implies there's one way to do something. What's best is what accomplishes your goals. (23:00)
Where to start with uniting your departments (30:00)
Mark’s hack: ask people about the very first job they had (30:40)
Mark’s One Good Thing: care about those you work with. (34:22)
Mark’s request: connect with someone today who’s going to be able to be with you.
Powerful Quotes:
“People matter.” -Mark
“We're always going to have some element of this work can be done remotely.” -Mark
“If the job isn't geo isn't location specific, the hiring pool becomes massive, and the ability to attract talent, not based on their willingness to relocate, or if their located within a reasonable drive from wherever you are. That, to me, is exciting.” -Mark
“Expectations are changing, and we are not driving them, we are trying to keep up with them.” -Mark
“Part of being a donor relations professional is you don’t just think about the short term, you’re thinking about these things over a long period of time.” -Mark
“It’s what can help forge the donor relations and fundraiser partnership. Frankly, fundraisers need us, and we need them.” -Mark
“There’s a temptation, I think, to assume that every fundraiser knows how to do absolutely everything.” -Mark
“It's very important to be able to be adaptable, and flexible, because times change, people change, and demands change. If we don't know what we need to change, then it's gonna be hard to do the right thing.” -Mark
“One of the ones I bristle at the most is the notion of “best practice”. It implies there's one way to do something, and if we're not doing that, then we're not best. Frankly, I think what's best is what accomplishes your goals.” -Mark
“People want to know that they matter.” -Mark
“If you've got people around you or on your team, let them know that you care about them, and you have interest in them.” -Mark
“If we can’t get our internal relationships right, we are going to have problems with our external relationships.” -Mark
“Who's the person who works in your organization, or at the nearby one, or within your state that you could just reach out to and say, “Hey, how's it going over there? And what are you learning as some of these same questions that you asked me?”” -Mark