Growth Mindset Hacks for Nonprofit Professionals
If there is anything that’s become a constant in our daily lives (especially our lives post the pandemic of 2020) is that rapid change is inevitable. But how we choose to respond to that change, how we leverage the opportunities to grow, develop and pivot will define you as a person and leader within your nonprofit.
Here’s a roundup of our best hacks to help you embrace and cultivate a growth mindset. If you want to dive in further - we’ve included a link to our podcast episode that goes a little deeper into cultivating this valuable mindset. You’ve got this friends!
1. Stay Curious
You want to learn and soak up new things. The world is changing incredibly fast, so it isn’t an option to stay curious. You have to keep learning, growing, and innovating.
2. Keep Your Eyes Focused Forward
This has been a hard year. There is a chance to look back, but we need to focus on what is next. When we are talking about abundance, philanthropy needs to lean into this. There is enough out there of your people that love your mission. If you feel stuck, we get it. We encourage you to go back to your development plan and find where the gaps are. With a growth mindset, look at things differently. There is a path, and our missions are too important to be held back by small thinking. We have to find new ways to engage and capture the hearts of our people.
3. Employ a Bold Vision And Serious Hustle
If we are going to go find our community of people, it will require us to reach out in ways we never have before. We encourage you to lean into the hustle. Boldly go in and have conversations with your donors, staff, and others. Get to the heart of why you love your mission and why you love serving it.
4. Focus On The Process, Not Just The Results
Fall in love with the process of becoming better and moving towards your goal. This truly is what holds us up and causes us to feel stuck. The projects, campaigns, and initiatives that feel like huge mountains to climb. Focus on the process, not the end result, and eat one bite of the elephant at a time.
5. Invest Time In Learning
Research thought leaders, social cause experts, and other voices within your industry. You will see incredible results within yourself when you take time to invest in learning.
6. Encourage Community To Share Your Growth Mindset
How much better would an organization be if everyone had a growth mindset? Encourage those around you to be active in their growth. We can move through this process while bringing our community along with us.
7. Foster a culture that encourages growth mindset
This will create a trickle down effect. If you are leading an organization. Think about how you are leading and empowering your staff to continue to grow and develop. Invest in professional development, provide resources, and lead by example.
“When entire organizations embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed. ”
Dive in deeper in Episode 49 on the We Are For Good Podcast!
Jonathan McCoy, CFRE
Founder + CEO, We Are for Good / Co-Host We Are For Good Podcast
Becky Endicott, CFRE
Co-Founder + Chief Storyteller, We Are for Good / Co-Host We Are For Good Podcast