537. Catalyzing Change + Crafting Award-Winning Campaigns That Capture Hearts and Minds - Stacy Huston, SixDegrees.Org

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Meet Stacy. She’s the Executive Director of SixDegrees.Org, started by Kevin Bacon to connect people to resources, share stories, and amplify causes to make the greatest possible impact in communities😍 Stacy is sharing her award-winning strategies for crafting effective campaigns that leverage partnerships and media to drive social impact.  Tune in to learn tactics for creating memorable campaigns that capture hearts and minds ❤️🧠 Plus, after this episode, you’ll basically be one degree away from Kevin Bacon, right? 

💡 Learn

  • Critical elements to catalyze change 

  • Overview of SixDegrees.Org

  • Case Study: #BacontoPayson

Today’s Guest

Stacy Huston, Executive Director, SixDegrees.Org + CEO, Entertain Change

Dignity is in the details.
— Stacy Huston, Executive Director, SixDegrees.Org + CEO, Entertain Change

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Stacy’s story and journey to where she is today (3:30)

  • Crucial elements for catalyzing change in our missions today (7:30)

  • Core elements to crafting campaigns (13:25)

  • Overview of Six Degrees (18:50)

  • Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game and its origins (24:00)

  • Case study: #BacontoPayson Campaign (28:45)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Stacy’s life (38:35)

  • Stacy’s One Good Thing: Dignity is in the details. (42:25)

  • How to connect with Stacy and Six Degrees (44:35)

Impactful Quotes

“As I continued to progress through life and those early adolescent years I so wanted to be a changemaker and to fix so many things that I saw that were broken.” -Stacy

“Quite frankly my road to philanthropy and impact work was non-traditional.” -Stacy

“You have to think through the different partners you’re trying to work with and what is in it for them.” -Stacy

“We believe this lie that we can multitask. In nonprofits, we almost wear this as a badge of honor. This can be debilitating.” -Stacy

“We come in with the best of intentions and we believe that we know what the need is and we are often wrong. Needs are really personal and we have to ask those questions every time.” -Stacy

“It’s not enough to just try our best and come from a good place. We really do have to take that extra step to ensure that we are fully thinking about the people that we're serving. That takes some time. That sometimes means we need to slow down.” -Stacy

“We don’t do anything without collaboration. We believe that these campaigns should have more than one nonprofit represented. A lot of organizations tackle cause areas in different ways.” -Stacy

“You can bring fun and levity to complex work.” -Stacy

“We try to build something that people can laugh and enjoy and have a moment of fun before they realize that they are being educated and are spreading a great deal of awareness before the ask that comes with supporting us financially.” -Stacy

“We are a nonprofit for nonprofits. We connect network partners through critical resources.” -Stacy

“So often we get swept up in the big things, but everyday choices and actions where you’re leaning in and are asking someone how they are really doing, what you can do for them in that moment cannot be understated. That is how we drive better, healthier communities.” -Stacy

“We have to try really hard to have those moments happen every single day.” -Stacy

“Dignity is in the details.” -Stacy

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