541. Real Talk: How to Build Authentic Relationships with your Donors and Team + The Story of Thoughtful Human - Maya Enista Smith

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Meet Maya. She’s a kindness champion, mental health advocate, and thoughtful human, and she’s obsessed with thank you cards💌She’s the president of Thoughtful Human, an eco-friendly greeting card company. These unique cards, founded by Ali O'Grady in 2017, plant seeds of empathy, offering genuine support during life's toughest moments. Tune in as we discuss the power of small acts of human connection and the ripple effect they create🫶

💡 Learn

  • The overwhelm humans are experiencing + what we can do about it

  • Thoughtful Human’s story

  • Building Authentic Relationships

Today’s Guest

 Maya Smith, President, Thoughtful Human

We have to get back to recognizing and appreciating the humanity in each other.
—  Maya Smith, President, Thoughtful Human

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Maya’s story and journey to where she is today (4:55)

  • The overwhelm humans are experiencing and the role of hope as an antidote (8:30)

  • Thoughtful Human’s origin story (14:50) 

  • The impact and ripple of Thoughtful Human cards (19:15)

  • Becky’s story of the impact of sending handwritten cards to donors year after year (23:15)

  • Maya’s experience creating cards (28:00)

  • Authentic relationships, empathy and stewardship in nonprofit work (32:45)

  • The duality of human emotions and experiences (37:00)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Maya’s life (41:30)

  • Maya’s One Good Thing: If you're thinking of someone, tell them immediately. + Take more naps. (51:20)

  • How to connect with Thoughtful Human and Maya (55:37)

Impactful Quotes

“I think there are times when overwhelm is ok, when you have access to the tools to address it.” -Maya

“My data is people. People are my proof points every day. I believe people are good and more people together are better.” -Maya

“Everybody can access people and the hope that is innate in our communities.” -Maya

“We can all remember when we have received a handwritten card in the mail and it spoke to us.” -Becky

“Can we make it a little softer of a landing?” -Maya

“At my core I’m a fundraiser and a storyteller. They’re interchangeable.” -Maya

“You are needed to build that world.” -Maya

“Get out of the transaction space and get curious about people.” -Maya

“We don’t live in a world where it is always safe to show up as expansively and authentically as we need to or would hope to.” -Maya

“We have to understand what the people are enduring, and need the people.” -Maya

“We have to get back to recognizing and appreciating the humanity in each other.” -Maya

“It is hard out there. Even those of us that are ridiculous idealists are walking through the fog as well. While you’re walking through the fog, reach out and grab somebody else’s hand.” -Becky

“We all have some form of abundance that we can be generous with.” -Maya

“This is a love letter to each other and to humanity.” -Becky

“What a privilege we have to be in this work and to be human beings that stand up and run towards kindness and generosity right now.” -Becky

“If I can tell people and invite people to say the kind thing immediately and connect with people that will be in her honor.” -Maya

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