118. Monthly Giving: A Playbook for Growing Believers - Vik Harrison


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Meet Vik. The charity: water co-creator may be the queen of branding, but her other superpower may just be found in galvanizing community for good. And she's going to change everything about the way you think about monthly donors. And when you’ve built a movement of rabid fans who collectively infuse more than $20 million a year via this methodology, you’ve got the chops to preach. We're talking about the starving mindset so many are employing in the nonprofit sector and how to break out of it with this awesome mama, creative genius and simply a really good human.

Today’s Guest

Vik Harrison, Founder, Mission Critical and Co-Creator of charity: water

If you have the big vision, you will find the resources, you will find the time, you will find the money, and you will find the inspiration. Just jump and know that you will grow wings on the way down.
— Vik Harrison, Co-Creator, charity: water, and Founder, Mission Critical

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Vik’s story and journey to where she is today - 3:22

  • All things monthly giving- 7:53

  • Key principles and core beliefs of monthly giving- 12:41

  • Naming charities - 15:16

  • charity: water’s monthly giving program: The Spring - 17:58

  • Storytelling - 24:47

  • Monthly Giving Guide - 27:37

  • The intersection of her work and family - 32:10

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Vik’s life - 34:22

  • Vik’s One Good Thing: Jump and you will grow wings on the way down. - 41:02

Powerful quotes

“I believe nonprofits need to focus on not just monthly giving, but the higher concept which is repeatability. How are you going to embed the idea of repeatability into the very center core of your strategy of of your strategic plan as an as an organization?” - Vik

“Instead of asking donors for as much as you can possibly ask them right now, how can you have the discipline to ask for less in the moment, but to stretch that gift out? You have less in the immediate moment, but you have you have a three year runway that you can now put bigger and bolder plans in place.” - Vik

“I love teachers like yourself that stop you of focusing on the tactics and saying, first, we need to work on your beliefs, your mindsets that are limiting you to unlock all of this potential. I mean, that is where the secret sauce is.” - Jon

“We are living hand to mouth and this poverty mentality is something that just like this third world countries straps us, it doesn't allow us to reach our full potential, our our missions are not living these vibrant lives.” - Becky

“It takes so much energy and effort on the behalf of a nonprofit to continue to raise money in these one-off donations.” - Vik

“Naming something costs nothing. And it's it gives that sense of it's one of the few things one of the many things that makes it feel like a community. It's not the only thing, just naming something does not automatically make it a community. But it's a start.” - Vik

“You're telling your donor, who they should aspire to be or who they can aspire to be.” -Vik

“We want to be the kind of person who cares about the world, we want to be the kind of person who understands global issues, who is part of changing the world at a larger scale rather than just our little corner.” - Vik

“We believe there are only a few moments in our lifetimes where human history really changes. We believe that another one will be when we solve the global water crisis together. So come and join us. You know, we really paint that aspirational picture. And that's intentional.” - Vik

“Be out there in the world continually trying new things, failing, finding little glimmers of success, and then refining and honing what's working with your donors, with your specific mission, in your specific part of the world, with your giving model.” -Vik

“How can you get live this modestly and give this much? His answer was, How can I not the Bible talks about it, and I just thought that was so powerful and so inspiring.” - Vik’s One Moment in Philanthropy

“The whole few first few meetings with a donor are about building a true real relationship getting to know one another. That can be a shift for some fundraisers.” - Vik

“The one big thing I would have to say is having the courage to dream big without knowing how you're going to achieve exactly what you're dreaming about. And to put that out into the world and hold your own feet to the fire.”- Vik’s One Good Thing

Connect with Vik & Mission Critical

Website / Instagram / Vik’s Monthly Giving Launch Guide

Connect with charity: water

Website / Join The Spring!

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Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Vik Harrison, Julie Confer, Pippa McCoy and Becky Endicott, CFRE

Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Vik Harrison, Julie Confer, Pippa McCoy and Becky Endicott, CFRE

Monthly Giving Charity Water Vik Harrison, We Are For Good Podcast
Monthly Giving Charity Water Vik Harrison, We Are For Good Podcast
Monthly Giving Charity Water Vik Harrison, We Are For Good Podcast
Dreaming Big, Monthly Giving Charity Water Vik Harrison, We Are For Good Podcast
Monthly Giving Charity Water Vik Harrison, We Are For Good Podcast